This blog post features a list of non-paid open-access Arts and Humanities journals indexed in Scopus. A few journals are also indexed in Web of Science.
The journals are published by reputed publishers (Elsevier, Springer, renowned universities, etc.).
Non-paid open-access journals don’t charge their authors for publishing research papers.
Open Access Journals publish research papers that are free for readers to download.
List of Free, Open Access Arts and Humanities Journals Indexed in Scopus
S. No. | Journal Title | Publisher | ISSN | Subject Category |
1 | Cuadernos de Arte de la Universidad de Granada | Universidad de Granada | 2445-4567 | Fine Arts: Arts in general: History of the arts | Fine Arts: Architecture: Aesthetics of cities. City planning and beautifying |
2 | International Journal of Education and the Arts | Pennsylvania State University | 1529-8094 | Fine Arts: Arts in general | Education: Special aspects of education |
3 | Digital Humanities Quarterly | Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations | 1938-4122 | General Works: History of scholarship and learning. The humanities | Language and Literature: Philology. Linguistics: Communication. Mass media |
4 | Humanities Diliman | University of the Philippines | 2012-0788 | General Works: History of scholarship and learning. The humanities |
5 | Recherches Germaniques | Presses universitaires de Strasbourg | 2649-860X | Fine Arts: Arts in general |
6 | Studies in Ancient Art and Civilization | Ksiegarnia Akademicka Publishing | 2449-867X | History (General) and history of Europe: History (General): Ancient history | Fine Arts: Arts in general: History of the arts |
7 | International Journal of Film and Media Arts | Lusófona University | 2183-9271 | Language and Literature: Philology. Linguistics: Communication. Mass media | Fine Arts: Visual arts |
8 | Open Library of Humanities | Open Library of Humanities | 2056-6700 | General Works: History of scholarship and learning. The humanities |
9 | Environmental Humanities | Duke University Press | 2201-1919 | Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Environmental sciences | General Works: History of scholarship and learning. The humanities |
10 | Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal | National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy | 2313-4895 | General Works: History of scholarship and learning. The humanities |
11 | Umanistica Digitale | University of Bologna | 2532-8816 | General Works: History of scholarship and learning. The humanities |
12 | Biblos | Coimbra University Press | 2183-7139 | General Works: History of scholarship and learning. The humanities |
13 | Diacrítica | Universidade do Minho | 2183-9174 | General Works: History of scholarship and learning. The humanities | Language and Literature: Philology. Linguistics: Language. Linguistic theory. Comparative grammar |
14 | Rivista di Estetica | Rosenberg & Sellier | 2421-5864 | Fine Arts | Philosophy. Psychology. Religion: Aesthetics |
15 | Culturales | Universidad Autónoma de Baja California | 2448-539X | Fine Arts: Arts in general | Language and Literature: Literature (General) |
16 | Acta ad Archaeologiam et Artium Historiam Pertinentia | University of Oslo Library | 2611-3686 | Fine Arts: Arts in general: History of the arts | Auxiliary sciences of history: Archaeology |
17 | Anales de Historia del Arte | Universidad Complutense de Madrid | 1988-2491 | Fine Arts: Arts in general: History of the arts |
18 | Zograf | Faculty of Philosophy, Belgrade | 2406-0755 | Fine Arts: Arts in general: History of the arts |
19 | Radovi Instituta za Povijest Umjetnosti | Institute of Art History | 1845-4534 | Fine Arts: Arts in general: History of the arts |
20 | Arte, Individuo y Sociedad | Universidad Complutense de Madrid | 1988-2408 | Fine Arts: Visual arts |
21 | Dubrovnik Annals | Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti | 1848-8153 | Fine Arts: Arts in general: History of the arts | History (General) and history of Europe: History (General) | Social Sciences: Social history and conditions. Social problems. Social reform | Social Sciences: Sociology (General) |
22 | Acta Historiae Artis Slovenica | ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC | 2536-4200 | Fine Arts: Arts in general: History of the arts |
23 | Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide | Association of Historians of Nineteenth-Century Art (AHNCA) | 1543-1002 | Fine Arts: Arts in general: History of the arts |
24 | Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts | Universidade Católica Portuguesa | 2183-0088 | Fine Arts: Arts in general |
25 | International Journal of Food Design | Intellect | 2056-6530 | Fine Arts: Visual arts | Technology: Home economics: Hospitality industry. Hotels, clubs, restaurants, etc. Food service |
26 | Sophia | scopio Editions | 2183-9468 | Fine Arts: Architecture | Fine Arts: Visual arts |
27 | MDCCC 1800 | Fondazione Università Ca’ Foscari | 2280-8841 | Fine Arts: Arts in general: History of the arts | History (General) and history of Europe: History (General): Modern history, 1453-: 1789- |
28 | Orbis Idearum | Jagiellonian University History of Ideas Research Centre | 2353-3900 | Philosophy. Psychology. Religion | Fine Arts: Arts in general: History of the arts |
29 | Southeast of Now | National University of Singapore Press | 2425-0147 | Fine Arts: Arts in general: History of the arts |
30 | Patristica et Mediaevalia | Universidad de Buenos Aires | 2683-9636 | General Works: History of scholarship and learning. The humanities | Philosophy. Psychology. Religion: Philosophy (General) |
31 | Universum | Universidad de Talca | 0718-2376 | General Works: History of scholarship and learning. The humanities | Social Sciences: Social sciences (General) |
32 | Araucaria | Universidad de Sevilla | 2340-2199 | General Works: History of scholarship and learning. The humanities | Political science | Philosophy. Psychology. Religion: Philosophy (General) |
33 | Sungkyun Journal of East Asian Studies | Duke University Press | 2586-0380 | History (General) and history of Europe: History of Asia | General Works: History of scholarship and learning. The humanities |
34 | European Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies | Academy of Economic Studies (ASE) | 2067-3795 | General Works: History of scholarship and learning. The humanities | Social Sciences: Social sciences (General) |
35 | East/West: Journal of Ukrainian Studies | University of Alberta, Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies | 2292-7956 | General Works: History of scholarship and learning. The humanities | Social Sciences: Social sciences (General) |
36 | Central Europe | University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing | 2689-5978 | History (General) and history of Europe: History of Central Europe | General Works: History of scholarship and learning. The humanities |
37 | Korea Journal | The Academy of Korean Studies Press | 2733-9343 | General Works: History of scholarship and learning. The humanities | Language and Literature: Languages and literature of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania |
38 | Muzealnictwo | Index Copernicus International S.A. | 2391-4815 | General Works: Museums. Collectors and collecting |
39 | Contexto | Universidad de Los Andes (Venezuela) | 2610-7902 | Language and Literature: Literature (General) | Language and Literature: French literature – Italian literature – Spanish literature – Portuguese literature |
40 | Forum Historiae | Slovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of History | 1337-6861 | History (General) and history of Europe |
41 | Amfiteater | Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television of the University of Ljubljana | 1855-850X | Language and Literature: Literature (General): Drama: Dramatic representation. The theater |
42 | Perseitas | Fondo Editorial Universidad Católica Luis Amigó | 2346-1780 | Philosophy. Psychology. Religion: Practical Theology | Philosophy. Psychology. Religion: Doctrinal Theology |
43 | SPAFA Journal | SEAMEO Regional Centre for Archaeology and Fine Arts | 2586-8721 | Fine Arts | Auxiliary sciences of history: Archaeology |
44 | Iluminace | Národní filmový archiv, Prague | 2570-9267 | Fine Arts: Visual arts |
45 | Artnodes | Universitat Oberta de Catalunya | 1695-5951 | Fine Arts: Arts in general |
46 | Arteterapia | Universidad Complutense de Madrid | 1988-8309 | Fine Arts: Arts in general | Philosophy. Psychology. Religion: Psychology |
47 | Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies | Centre for Languages and Literature, Lund University | 2003-0924 | Language and Literature |
48 | International Journal of Conservation Science | Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi | 2067-8223 | Fine Arts: Arts in general |
49 | RIHA Journal | International Association of Research Institutes in the History of Art (RIHA) | 2190-3328 | Fine Arts |
50 | Artseduca | Universitat Jaume I de Castellón | 2254-0709 | Fine Arts | Education |
51 | Quiroga | Universidad de Granada | 2254-7037 | Fine Arts: Arts in general | Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Anthropology: Ethnology. Social and cultural anthropology | History America: Latin America. Spanish America |
52 | Venezia Arti | Fondazione Università Ca’ Foscari | 2385-2720 | Fine Arts |
53 | Interfaces | Université de Bourgogne | 2647-6754 | Fine Arts: Visual arts |
54 | Pallas | Presses universitaires du Midi | 2272-7639 | Social Sciences |
55 | Slovenska Literatura | Slovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of Slovak Literature | Language and Literature: Literature (General) | |
56 | Kajian Malaysia | Universiti Sains Malaysia | 2180-4273 | Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Geography (General) |
57 | Carthaginensia | Instituto Teológico de Murcia | 2605-3012 | Philosophy. Psychology. Religion: Practical Theology | Philosophy. Psychology. Religion: Doctrinal Theology |
58 | Kronos | University of the Western Cape, Centre for Humanities Research and the History Department | 2309-9585 | History (General) and history of Europe: History of Africa | History (General) and history of Europe: History (General) |
59 | Arqueologia | Instituto de Arqueología, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires | 1853-8126 | Auxiliary sciences of history: Archaeology |
60 | Acta Academica | University of the Free State | 2415-0479 | General Works: History of scholarship and learning. The humanities | Political science |
61 | Arti Musices | Hrvatsko muzikološko društvo / Croatian Musicological Society | 1848-9303 | Music and books on Music: Music |
62 | Magallania | Universidad de Magallanes | 0718-2244 | General Works: History of scholarship and learning. The humanities | Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Anthropology | Social Sciences: Social sciences (General) |
63 | Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric | Sciendo | 2199-6059 | General Works: History of scholarship and learning. The humanities |
64 | Revista de Humanidades | Centro Asociado de la U.N.E.D. | 2340-8995 | General Works |
65 | Acta Histriae | The Historical Society of Southern Primorska Koper | 2591-1767 | History (General) and history of Europe: History of Eastern Europe |
66 | Studia Ethnologica Croatica | Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb | 1848-9532 | Geography. Anthropology. Recreation: Anthropology: Ethnology. Social and cultural anthropology |
67 | Studies in Communication Sciences | Seismo Verlag | 2296-4150 | Language and Literature: Philology. Linguistics: Communication. Mass media | Social Sciences |
68 | Digithum | Universitat Oberta de Catalunya | 1575-2275 | Social Sciences |
69 | Bajo Palabra | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid | 1887-505X | Philosophy. Psychology. Religion: Speculative philosophy | Philosophy. Psychology. Religion: Philosophy (General) |
70 | Przestrzenie Teorii | Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu | 2450-5765 | Language and Literature: Literature (General) |
71 | Carnets | Association Portugaise d’Etudes Françaises | 1646-7698 | Language and Literature: French literature – Italian literature – Spanish literature – Portuguese literature |
72 | Sjuttonhundratal | Septentrio Academic Publishing | 2001-9866 | History (General) and history of Europe: History (General): Modern history, 1453- |
73 | International Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies | Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia | 1823-6243 | General Works: History of scholarship and learning. The humanities | Social Sciences: Social sciences (General) |
74 | Anafora | University of Osijek | 2459-5160 | Social Sciences: Social sciences (General) |
75 | International Journal of Conflict and Violence | University of Bielefeld | 1864-1385 | Political science: Political science (General) | Social Sciences |
76 | Cauriensia | Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca; Universidad de Extremadura | 2340-4256 | Philosophy. Psychology. Religion: Christianity |
77 | International Journal of Communication | USC Annenberg Press | 1932-8036 | Language and Literature: Philology. Linguistics: Communication. Mass media |
78 | Synergies Europe | Groupe d’Etudes et de Recherches pour le Français Langue Internationale (GERFLINT) | 2260-653X | Language and Literature |
79 | Athenea Digital | Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona | 1578-8946 | General Works: History of scholarship and learning. The humanities | Social Sciences: Social sciences (General) |
80 | Text Matters | Lodz University Press | 2084-574X | Language and Literature: Literature (General) |
81 | International Journal of Body, Mind and Culture | Vesnu Publications | 2345-5802 | Medicine: Medicine (General) |
82 | Journal of Chinese Humanities | Brill | 2352-1341 | History (General) and history of Europe: History of Asia | Social Sciences: Social sciences and state – Asia (Asian studies only) |
83 | Philosophical Inquiry in Education | Canadian Philosophy of Education Society | 2369-8659 | Education: Theory and practice of education |
84 | Magnificat Cultura i Literatura Medievals | Universitat de València | 2386-8295 | History (General) and history of Europe: History (General): Medieval history | Language and Literature: French literature – Italian literature – Spanish literature – Portuguese literature |
85 | Res Rhetorica | Polskie Towarzystwo Retoryczne/ Polish Rhetoric Society | 2392-3113 | Social Sciences |
86 | Worldwide Waste | Ubiquity Press | 2399-7117 | Technology: Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering: Municipal refuse. Solid wastes | Social Sciences: Industries. Land use. Labor: Management. Industrial management: Standardization. Simplification. Waste |
87 | Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies Bulletin | COMSt | 2410-0951 | Language and Literature: Oriental languages and literatures |
88 | Studia Historiae Scientiarum | Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences | 2543-702X | General Works: History of scholarship and learning. The humanities | Science: Science (General) |
89 | Research Data Journal for the Humanities and Social Sciences | Brill | 2452-3666 | Social Sciences |
90 | SOTL in the South | University of Johannesburg | 2523-1154 | Education | General Works: History of scholarship and learning. The humanities |
91 | Revue des Sciences Humaines | Constantine 1 University, Algeria | 2588-2007 | Social Sciences: Social sciences (General) |
92 | Whatever | Università di Pisa | 2611-657X | Philosophy. Psychology. Religion: Philosophy (General) | Social Sciences: Sociology (General) | Social Sciences: Social sciences (General) |
93 | Ad Limina | Turismo de Galicia-S.A. de Xestión do Plan Xacobeo | 2659-5885 | General Works: History of scholarship and learning. The humanities |
94 | Informes de la Construccion | Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas | 1988-3234 | Fine Arts: Architecture | Technology: Building construction |
95 | Area | Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo | 2591-5312 | Fine Arts: Architecture | Social Sciences: Communities. Classes. Races: Urban groups. The city. Urban sociology |
96 | Urbano | Universidad del Bío Bío | 0718-3607 | Fine Arts: Architecture | Social Sciences: Communities. Classes. Races: Urban groups. The city. Urban sociology |
97 | Revista INVI | Universidad de Chile | 0718-8358 | Fine Arts: Architecture |
98 | On the W@terfront | Universitat de Barcelona | 1139-7365 | Fine Arts |
99 | Journal of Mosaic Research | Bursa Uludağ University Mosaic Research Centre | 2619-9165 | Fine Arts: Drawing. Design. Illustration |
100 | Spatium | Institute of Architecture, Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia | 2217-8066 | Fine Arts: Architecture |
101 | Artifact | Intellect | 1749-3471 | Fine Arts: Drawing. Design. Illustration |
102 | American and British Studies Annual | University of Pardubice | 2788-2233 | Language and Literature: American literature | Language and Literature: English literature |
103 | Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal | University of Ljubljana | 2232-2647 | Education: Education (General) |
104 | Research in Urbanism Series | Stichting OpenAccess | 1879-8217 | Social Sciences: Communities. Classes. Races: Urban groups. The city. Urban sociology | Fine Arts: Architecture |
105 | Footprint | Jap Sam Books | 1875-1504 | Fine Arts: Architecture |
106 | Strategic Design Research Journal | Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS) | 1984-2988 | Fine Arts: Drawing. Design. Illustration |
107 | Journal of Architecture and Urbanism | Vilnius Gediminas Technical University | 2029-7947 | Fine Arts: Architecture |
108 | Journal of Sustainable Architecture and Civil Engineering | Kaunas University of Technology | 2335-2000 | Fine Arts: Architecture | Technology: Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) |
109 | Aisthesis | Firenze University Press | 2035-8466 | Language and Literature | Philosophy. Psychology. Religion: Aesthetics |
110 | Architectural Histories | Open Library of Humanities | 2050-5833 | Fine Arts: Architecture |
111 | Performance Philosophy | Performance Philosophy | 2057-7176 | Language and Literature: Literature (General): The performing arts. Show business | Philosophy. Psychology. Religion: Philosophy (General) |
112 | Frontiers of Architectural Research | KeAi Communications Co., Ltd. | Fine Arts: Architecture | |
113 | Built Heritage | SpringerOpen | 2662-6802 | Fine Arts: Architecture |
114 | Spool | Stichting OpenAccess | 2215-0900 | Fine Arts: Architecture |
115 | Italian Journal of Planning Practice | Paolo Scattoni | 2239-267X | Fine Arts: Architecture: Aesthetics of cities. City planning and beautifying |
116 | Journal of Somaesthetics | Aalborg University Press | 2246-8498 | Philosophy. Psychology. Religion: Aesthetics |